

  • Pixelmator 是一款专业的修图软件,完全能够帮助我们在Mac电脑上完成专业的修图去求。适配了macOS的各种窗口尺寸,全屏、分屏、多标签页都可以轻松实现。

  • 该软件号称拥有众多新功能,并且令人工智能在图像处理中发挥了更大的作用。新款Pixelmator将人工智能的深度学习能力整合进诸如水平侦测、自动图层命名、污点修复工具以及快速选区工具等功能当中,以此来实现更好的处理效果。

  • Pixelmator包含了全新的工作流以及更直观简单的编辑软件。它还采用了单窗口界面以及基于机器学习的智能图像编辑功能。Pixelmator采用Core ML框架开发,它可以与macOS High Sierra完美集成,可以自动完成水平检测,智能快速选择以及更好的修复工具等优点。

  • 该应用程序基于Swift 4,集成了Metal 2,Core Image和OpenGL。而全新的绘图引擎,可以将计算负载从CPU 中解放出来,同时还加速图形密集型任务。Pixelmator还有基于Metal 2的动态的绘图混合技术。比如说Metal 2就被用来渲染绘画工具和双纹理画笔。

  • 通过改进的单窗口界面,取代了Pixelmator的浮动工具面板,Pixelmator将焦点放在手边的图像上,而不是应用程序的工具集里。Pixelmator团队还简化了GUI ,以配合macOS的外观和风格,这样他们就能呈现出一个完美的产品,其风格和功能与苹果官方的产品十分接近。

  • Pixelmator的主要功能还包括非破坏性的图像编辑,还有更改图层大小的位置的新工具。全新的色彩调整工具和 RAW 支持可以让用户更快速的调整照片。

  • Pixelmator的售价为59美元,不知道你觉得它和Photoshop哪个更好用呢?

  • 新款Pixelmator在设计上完全以苹果操作系统为参照,誓将极简主义的风格进行到底,为此新版软件采用了单一窗口的设计。尽管整体走的是极简风格,但Pixelmator并非在实际的功能上作出任何妥协,所有包括图像编辑、数字画笔、色彩调整等等工具都被整齐地排列于工作区两侧。由于Pixelmator是一款专为Mac OS系统设计的软件,因而新款软件能够支持iCloud备份及同步等功能,同时也能够完美支持苹果新款MacBook Pro电脑上的Touch Bar及分屏多任务。

  • Pixelmator is an incredibly powerful, beautiful, and easy to use image editor designed exclusively for Mac.

  • With a wide range of professional-grade, nondestructive image editing tools, Pixelmator lets you bring out the best in your photos, create gorgeous compositions and designs, draw, paint, apply stunning effects, design beautiful text, and edit images in just about any way you can imagine. And thanks to its intuitive and accessible design, Pixelmator is delightfully easy to use — whether you’re just starting out with image editing or you’re a seasoned pro.


  • Pixelmator包含了全新的工作流以及更直观简单的编辑软件。它还采用了单窗口界面以及基于机器学习的智能图像编辑功能。Pixelmator采用Core ML框架开发,它可以与macOS High Sierra完美集成,可以自动完成水平检测,智能快速选择以及更好的修复工具等优点。
  • 该应用程序基于Swift 4,集成了Metal 2,Core Image和OpenGL。而全新的绘图引擎,可以将计算负载从CPU中解放出来,同时还加速图形密集型任务。Pixelmator还有基于Metal 2的动态的绘图混合技术。比如说Metal 2就被用来渲染绘画工具和双纹理画笔。
  • 通过改进的单窗口界面,取代了Pixelmator的浮动工具面板,Pixelmator将焦点放在手边的图像上,而不是应用程序的工具集里。Pixelmator团队还简化了GUI,以配合macOS的外观和风格,这样他们就能呈现出一个完美的产品,其风格和功能与苹果官方的产品十分接近。
  • Pixelmator的主要功能还包括非破坏性的图像编辑,还有更改图层大小的位置的新工具。全新的色彩调整工具和 RAW 支持可以让用户更快速的调整照片。
  • Pixelmator的推出无疑给了Mac用户一个新的选择,在PS和这款应用之间,如果是您,您又会选择谁呢?

  • New Interface

    • The modern, single-window interface is designed exclusively for working with images on a Mac
    • An intuitive and accessible design makes it easy for anyone to edit images — from complete beginners to design professionals
  • Professional Tools

    • Enhance your existing images and create new ones using every image editing tool you could ever need
    • Edit nondestructively, adjusting individual changes whenever you like
    • Easily move, resize, and arrange objects to create stunning compositions
    • Adjust the colors in images with a collection of nondestructive color adjustments
    • Use the machine learning-powered Auto Color Adjustments to automatically improve image colors
    • Enjoy superior support for RAW files, editing RAW images right inside Pixelmator without having to preprocess them
    • Create digital or traditional paintings using a collection of handcrafted, fully-customizable, dual-texture brushes with full support for digital graphics tablets
    • Combine the built-in effects in Pixelmator to create any artistic or special effects you can imagine
    • Nondestructively customize the look of layers in your image using layer styles
    • Save the adjustment, effect, and layer style combinations your create, use them in any of your images, and share them with others
    • Magically remove small imperfections or entire objects, seamlessly clone parts of your photos, and lighten or darken precise areas using a full set of retouching tools
    • Use the reshaping tools to easily change the shape of any object or area in your images, create striking artistic effects or make subtle changes to portrait photos
    • Pick out and edit precise parts of your images or copy objects from one image to another using a range of pixel-accurate selection tools
    • Add high-quality, customizable vector graphics designed by the Pixelmator Team
    • Create your own vector graphics using the Pen and Freeform Pen tools
    • Easily design great-looking text with a full set of typography tools
    • Optimize and save your images for the web, using advanced compression to shrink images sizes to the smallest possible
  • Image Editing Enhanced by Machine Learning

    • Automatically give descriptive names to the layers you add
    • Intelligently straighten images using horizon detection
    • Magically remove objects, recreating image areas with stunning realism
    • Quickly make accurate selections with ease
  • Compatibility

    • Open and edit images in all the most popular image formats, including JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD, HEIF, SVG, PDF, GIF, BMP, TGA, and JPEG-2000
    • Open and edit Photoshop images with layers
    • Open and edit SVG vector images
    • Launch Pixelmator directly from the Photos app and save edits back to the original image in your library
    • Share your images to the Photos app, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and other locations right from Pixelmator
  • Built Exclusively

    • Designed exclusively for macOS, Pixelmator supports almost every major macOS feature and integrates seamlessly with macOS High Sierra. Simply put, it’s the ultimate Mac app. With a design that is totally and completely Mac, Pixelmator feels instantly familiar from the moment you first launch the app.
  • Minimum System Requirements

    • Pixelmator requires a Mac compatible with Metal 2 running macOS 10.13 High Sierra..














  1. 1. 1、软件简介
  2. 2. 2、功能特色
  3. 3. 3、资源列表
  4. 4. 4、软件安装
  5. 5. 5、预览截图