Picatext(易用的 OCR 文字识别工具(支持中文))



  • Picatext 是一款图片文字提取工具软件,picatext 可以帮助我们在电脑上提取图片中的文字,也可以提取屏幕上任意区域显示的文字。picatext 可以作为一款 ORC 识别工具来使用。

  • Picatext 支持超过 40 多个国家的语言文字,包括简体中文和繁体中文,支持快捷键操作从图片中提取文字,支持提取的文字文本自动复制到剪贴板,还能自定义图区文字的字体。

  • Picatext is OCR made simple. We included just the functionality you need – nothing that might distract you. That helps focusing on the important things and saves you a lot of time. You need to get the text out of an image or from anywhere on your screen? With picatext this is as easy as selecting a file or a screen area. So now you can get the text you need in almost no time. No need to tediously typewrite everything again.


  • 从图像获取文本
  • 从屏幕中提取文本
  • 支持超过 40 种语言的认可
  • 通过快捷方式开始屏幕选择
  • 文本自动复制到剪贴板
  • 设置输出文本的字体
  • Get text from images
  • Extract text from your screen
  • Supports the recognition of over 40 languages
  • Start screen selection by shortcut
  • Text gets copied to clipboard automatically
  • Set the font of the output text







  1. 1. 1、软件简介
  2. 2. 2、功能特色
  3. 3. 3、资源列表
  4. 4. 4、软件安装
  5. 5. 5、预览截图