Highlights(PDF 浏览和标注工具)



  • Highlights 是一款 PDF 注释并提取指定内容,我们只需要将 PDF 文件内的重点的文本或是图片高亮标示出来,添加文本注释等,然后就能快速将这些重点内容提取并保存的单独文件里面,不再包含对我们无用的信息。

  • Highlights 可以允许用户轻松地进行分享和存档,您可以通过电子邮件分享自己的 pdf 文本,可以导出到 Evernote 、DEVONthink 和 VoodooPad 等应用,也可以将信息保存到 Markdown 和 HTML。

  • Highlights is a PDF reader that extracts highlighted text, notes, and image selections from PDFs and lets you share them via email, archive them to shoebox applications such as Evernote, DEVONthink, and VoodooPad, or just save them to portable formats such as Markdown and HTML.

  • PDFs are like paper, abundant and made for reading. And like paper, they are typically the end-point of creation, making them difficult to edit or interact with. However, many of us like to highlight, comment, and make notes on PDFs to give feedback, bring out important parts, or summarize the content. If you end up having to go back through PDFs looking for your own notes, Highlights can be of service. When you open an annotated PDF in Highlights, the annotations are extracted, organized, and neatly formatted.


  • 1、可高亮突出显示pdf中的文本信息;
  • 2、优化 macOS 10.10 Yosemite 和 Retina Macs;
  • 3、无锁定;
  • 4、支持新的 TextBundle-format 减价和嵌入式图像;
  • 5、导出注释到 Evernote、VoodooPad 或 DEVONthink;
  • 6、可以使用 Markdown、TextBundle、HTML 或 PDF 格式保存笔记;









  1. 1. 1、软件简介
  2. 2. 2、功能特色
  3. 3. 3、资源列表
  4. 4. 4、软件安装
  5. 5. 5、预览截图