

  • Monit 是一款可以让您在系统通知中心里查看当前系统状况的小工具。Monit 支持查看 CPU、内存、磁盘空间、网络状况以及电池情况,点击相应的项目更能够查看到详细的情况。

  • Slide out Notification Center to quickly see key performance data for your Mac, such as CPU, Memory, Disk, Network and Battery. Click the charts to drill down and reveal more details. Click the Network and Disk Icons to view even more data.

  • Monit Widget is a modest, but ambitious, Notification Center Widget for monitoring your Computer.


  • 主动

    • 如果发生错误,Monit可以采取行动,例如:如果sendmail没有运行,Monit可以自动启动sendmail,或者如果apache使用太多的资源(例如,如果DoS攻击正在进行),Monit可以停止或重新启动apache,并向您发送警告消息。监控也可以监控过程特征,如; 进程正在使用多少内存或CPU循环。
  • 流程

    • 您可以使用Monit监视在localhost上运行的守护进程或类似程序。监视对于监视守护程序进程尤其有用,例如在/ etc / init /系统启动时启动的进程,例如sendmail,sshd,apache和MySQL。
  • 文件,目录和文件系统

    • 您还可以使用Monit来监视localhost上的文件,目录和文件系统。监视器可以监视这些项目以进行更改,例如时间戳更改,校验和更改或大小更改。这也是有用的安全原因 - 您可以监视不应该更改的文件的md5或sha1校验和,并获得警报或执行操作,如果他们应该更改。
  • 云和主机

    • 监控本地主机或远程主机上各种服务器的网络连接。支持TCP,UDP和Unix域套接字。网络测试可以在协议级别进行; Monit对主要的互联网协议(如HTTP,SMTP等)进行了内置测试。即使不支持协议,仍然可以对服务器进行测试,您可以配置Monit发送任何数据并测试服务器的响应。
  • 程序和脚本

    • Monit可用于在某些时间测试程序或脚本,非常类似于cron,但是除此之外,您还可以测试程序的退出值并执行操作,或者如果退出值指示错误则发送警报。这意味着您可以使用Monit执行任何类型的检查,您可以为其编写脚本。
  • 系统

    • 最后,Monit可用于监视本地主机上的一般系统资源,如总体CPU使用率,内存和负载平均值。
  • An AppStore App is not allowed to read system sensors (SMC), so we cannot show detailed temperatures and other sensor data such as fan-speed.

  • An AppStore App is not allowed to read all processes on the system. This means that the Top-3 App List will not necessarily contain the processes that are currently using the most resources. The List will however show the applications that are using the most resources.

  • MONIT will underreport Memory usage for Applications in the Top-3 List that spins of sub-processes which we are not allowed to read. In practice, MONIT is quite accurate given the sandbox restrictions it operates under, but for certain applications it will underreport. If you compare with Activity Monitor, you should compare with “Real Memory” and aggregate memory usage of sub-processes.

  • The thermometer uses an Apple API that does not seem to work properly on older Macs. On MacBooks from 2015 and later it appears to work fine.













  1. 1. 1、软件简介
  2. 2. 2、功能特色
  3. 3. 3、资源列表
  4. 4. 4、软件安装
  5. 5. 5、预览截图