


  • MathType 是一款实用的数学公式编辑器,也是苹果电脑使用的最好的数字编辑软件其中之一。它能让你从复杂的数学公式和难以打入的符号中解脱出来,不管是教学办公,还是论文处理以及数学幻灯演示等等都是 mathtype 擅长之处。Mathtype 配合文字处理软件使用,能够让你快速的在各种不同的文档中加入您想要的数学公式及符号。如果您还在寻找数学编辑工具或者想简单化公式。

  • 数学公式编辑软件:MathType,可能有些同学在 Win 平台就已使用上了,她的表现在上也毫不落后,除非你研究的学术还未公布于众,那么 MathType 应该能满足你的大部分需求。 你可以将 MathType 编辑好的方程式直接插入到 Pages, Numbers, Keynote,Microsoft Office,iBooks Author 等软件,或者在以下网站也能够获得显示。

  • MathType is a powerful interactive equation editor for Windows and Macintosh that lets you create mathematical notation for word processing, web pages, desktop publishing, presentations, e-learning and for TeX, LaTeX and MathML documents.

  • When you’re ready to sit down and write a scientific or technical document, a test, a slide show, or wherever include mathematical notation, have the power to MathType. MathType open on your computer or device and have everything at your fingertips to do your job quickly, easily and efficiently.

  • With MathType can: point and click, handwrite, use keyboard shortcuts, insert numbers equations, using color, choose fonts, spacing control …


  • MathType是一款强大的数学公式编辑器
    • 支持 Office 2016
    • 可在 Microsoft Office 中插入矢量公式
    • 支持公式编号和转换为 Latex 语言
  • MathType适用人群
    • MathType 可适用于教育教学、科研机构、工程学等领域人群。
  • 兼容各版本Office
    • MathType 与 Office 有很好的兼容性,支持各版本的 Office 软件。
  • 多平台支持
    • MathType 可适用于 800+ 软件应用程序和网站建立公式。
  • 支持手写
    • MathType 支持手写输入公式,智能识别手写内容,轻触鼠标编写即可完成。
  • 所见即所得
    • 点击 MathType 界面中的模板,只需适当的修改就完成公式的编辑任务。
  • 自动化处理
    • 支持一键转换为 Latex、Amslatex 等代码,只需单击一次,公式便跃然纸上。
  • Set up your work environment the way that works best for you:
    • Save frequently used equations and customizable toolbars symbols
    • Set preferences MathType to quickly change a “look” to another for different types of documents
    • Set keyboard shortcuts Personal
    • Copy or convert to LaTeX
    • Much more!
  • Professional quality typesetting mathematical
    • MathType is a great update predetermined mathematical tools integrated into many applications.
  • Accessibility [MT]
    • can now have quality everywhere. Choose the classic look MathType or LaTeX appearance. Check spaces in their expressions to the pixel. Mathematical notation is rich and changes between different cultures; MathType allows mathematical notation for different educational levels and cultures. Accessibility is essential for any quality solution. MathType helps readers to access scientific content and helps authors create accessible scientific content.
  • MathType Platforms for Learning
    • Students can write equations by hand on a tablet or mobile device and MathType will recognize them immediately and transform them into perfectly formatted equations. Students and teachers can now easily interact in forum discussions LMS (such as Canvas, Moodle or Schoology, for example), without the distraction of writing code or using mathematical tools clumsy.
  • Chemistry for all
    • ChemType is a taste of MathType designed to help you work with the chemical notation. You will find a specific toolbar with common chemical symbols and a user experience tailored to the authors of chemistry.





  1. 1. 1、软件简介
  2. 2. 2、功能特色
  3. 3. 3、资源列表
  4. 4. 4、软件安装
  5. 5. 5、预览截图