Display Maestro(屏幕分辨率调节工具)


  • Display Maestro 是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款显示器增强型设置工具,增强系统对显示器设置的功能,可以设置更多分辨率和颜色选项 甚至是系统默认禁止的,允许使用所有可用的分辨率和比特深度它可以理想的运行那些需要256色模式的游戏,您可以在登陆的时候设置程序,然后它会安静的在后台运行,菜单栏会显示它的图标,退出程序的时候,它也会自动给你恢复到显示器以前的状态。

  • Display Maestro可让您完全控制连接的显示器,允许使用所有可用的分辨率和位深度。 这是通过忽略隐藏潜在不安全解决方案的操作系统设置来完成的。它是运行需要256色模式的传统游戏的理想选择,并且不会为您自动切换屏幕深度。 Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard无法使用内置偏好设置面板手动设置256色模式,但该功能现在可在Display Maestro中使用!Display Maestro是一个小型应用程序,可以配置为在登录时启动,并安静地坐在菜单栏中。 退出时,它也会自动将显示恢复到启动之前选择的分辨率。

  • Display Maestro gives you full control over attached displays, allowing the use of all available resolutions and bit depths. macOS strips out the useful ability to set specific resolutions and presents a more user-friendly approach. Experienced users, especially graphic designers and presenters, demand more precise control of their devices. Access exactly the resolution you need with Display Maestro’s traditional-macOS-like menu.


  • 所有决议

  • 隐藏的决议

  • 伽玛

    • 查看白色,红色,绿色和蓝色伽玛值以及通道
  • RGB点

    • 查看红色,绿色和蓝色的X,Y点。
  • 转型

    • 查看显示转换值。
  • 生产厂家

    • 查看供应商代码和制造日期。
  • 功能

    • 查看后台列表,镜像,数字,立体声,OpenGL加速,HiDPI功能和AirPlay等显示功能。
  • 属性

    • 查看显示属性模拟扫描,电视模式,每像素采样,平移需要,显示大小,隔行扫描,每行字节数,每个采样位数等等
  • Details Unveiled

    • Pro users can also view advanced resolution and device information ranging from gamma configuration, RGB color points, scaling, samples per pixel, screen dimensions, device vendor IDs, refresh rate, manufacture dates, dots per inch, Retina (HiDPI) status, and more.

    • Also view feature information such as if the following are enabled are supported: pan enabled, simulscan enabled, is stretched, television mode, Desktop GUI support, interlace mode, mirroring supported, built-in, high-resolution capable, accelerator backed, and more.

  • Full Resolution List

    • Access the full list of resolutions and bit-depths supported by the graphics card and attached display. Note that some graphics cards may limit the display’s options.
  • Legacy App Support

    • Older games and apps sometimes require the use of precise resolutions, and can no longer set these automatically due to changes in Mac OS. Display Maestro lets you pick exactly the configuration you need.
  • Safety First

    • Display Maestro implements functionality that will detect if an unsafe resolution was chosen and will automatically revert to the last known safe resolution if confirmation is not given.





  1. 1. 1、软件简介
  2. 2. 2、功能特色
  3. 3. 3、资源列表
  4. 4. 4、软件安装
  5. 5. 5、预览截图