

  • Smooze 是一款小巧新颖的鼠标设置工具。Smooze以它小巧好用的特性进入Mac用户的视线,其体积较小可其功能却强大。Smooze是一款让人爱不释手的鼠标设置工具。欢迎广大知友前来下载。

  • 小巧轻盈

  • 可以随意设置滑轮下滑的行数
  • 单击和双击的区分
  • 单击和双击的响应
  • 滚轮的速度设置

  • Smooze animates your scroll and adds functionality to your non-Apple mouse (scroll-wheel mouse).


  • Disable scroll acceleration in macOS 10.12 Sierra and select the number of lines you want to scroll on each tick (These features are free and will always be free)
  • Assign gestures to any button / shortcut / app
  • Every app you own will have buttery smooth scrolling
  • Save time by attaching mouse buttons to actions
  • Highly optimized & Uses a very small percentage of your CPU, even on excessive use.
  • Auto Scroll – You can now click a selected mouse button once to auto scroll anywhere on the screen, hands free, with buttery smooth animations!
  • Grab & Drag & Throw – You can now use a mouse button to grab and scroll anywhere on the screen. Throwing will animate the scrolling just like it would on a trackpad
  • Cursor acceleration can be changed or disabled from the settings
  • Smooze synchronizes its drawings to the refresh rate of your display which ensures the best scrolling experience.





  1. 1. 1、软件简介
  2. 2. 2、功能特色
  3. 3. 3、资源列表
  4. 4. 4、软件安装
  5. 5. 5、预览截图