Mindjet MindManager(功能强大的思维导图工具)



  • Mindjet MindManager 是一款功能强大的思维导图工具。Mindjet MindManager 非常提高你的生产力,无论让你的业务计划或开发一个新的网站,其强大的心灵地图的所有功能,帮您需要完成您任何所需的项目。

  • Mindjet MindManager 也是一个易于使用的项目管理软件,能很好提高项目组的工作效率和小组成员之间的协作性。它作为一个组织资源和管理项目的方法,可从脑图的核心分枝派生出各种关联的想法和信息。

  • Mindjet MindManager is a mind mapping solution for OS X that helps you transpose your ideas into well-organized charts. This way you can efficiently record brainstorming sessions with your team and develop strategies with ease.


  • 选择你的模板
    • 无论你想做什么 - 集思广益的想法,计划一个项目,构建一个时间表,概述一个策略 - 有一个预先构建的地图模板,使其易于潜水和入门。
  • 开始输入
    • 因为MindManager是快速和非线性的 - 就像你的大脑一样 - 它很有趣,易于使用。您可以在一个流畅的界面中捕获,评估和组织闪电般的思想和信息。
  • 同步您的数据
    • 通过网站,应用程序,平台和人员无缝地将相关文件,媒体等内容添加到地图中 - 无需切换窗口,分割屏幕或手动复制信息
  • GO!
    • 从大幅面到细微的细节,MindManager在一个动态视图中呈现您的整个概念,计划或项目,显示您的位置,您要去哪里,以及如何快速到达。
  • Mind mapping solution featuring built-in templates
    • To help you get started, MindManager comes with a collection of predesigned map templates suitable for various types of projects: communication, personal productivity, project management, strategy, or team productivity.
    • Naturally, you can also start projects from scratch and begin developing new structures with the same ease. Most of the MindManager map drawing tools can be accessed either via the top app toolbar or by using the contextual menu associated with each element.
  • Create mind maps to organize your ideas and develop project strategies
    • Within the MindManager canvas area you get to easily create topics and subtopics, to establish boundaries or relationships between them, to insert notes, images, hyperlinks, or attach any document.
    • Moreover, MindManager can integrate with the default OS X Contacts, Calendar, and Reminder applications, so for each item included in your map you can create a calendar event, set a reminder, or even make it into a smart calendar topic.
    • MindManager also plays well with other third party solutions: the mind map projects can be exported to file formats compatible with Pages, Keynote, Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. The utility can also save the data to popular image formats, web compatible documents, or text files.
    • The MindManager projects can also be uploaded to the Mindjet Cloud for easy sharing or synchronization between devices.
  • Versatile software solution for keeping track of your team brainstorming sessions
    • All in all, MindManager has everything you need to record or share your ideas with team members or customers. The app allows you to create well-organized maps, and you can export the data to various file formats for easy sharing.








  1. 1. 1、软件简介
  2. 2. 2、功能特色
  3. 3. 3、资源列表
  4. 4. 4、软件安装
  5. 5. 5、预览截图