Cinema 4D(强大的 3D 绘图建筑模具软件)



  • Cinema 4D 是一款三维绘图建筑模具软件,是一套整合 3D 模型、动画与算图的高级三维绘图软件,一直以高速图形计算速度著名,并有令人惊奇的渲染器和粒子系统,其渲染器在不影响速度的前提下,使图像品质有了很大提高,可以面向打印、出版、设计及创造产品视觉效果。

  • 易用且强大:Cinema 4D 是所有希望可以快速省心制作出令人屏息以待作品的3D艺术家的最佳工具包。初学者和经验丰富的专业人士可以利用 Cinema 4D 全面的工具和功能快速达到惊人的结果。Cinema 4D 出色的稳定性也是快节奏 3D 生产线上完美的应用程序,以及具有一系列满足任何艺术家的价格吸引力。

  • Designing high quality 3D projects requires a lot of talent but also the right tools. Cinema 4D provides an intuitive environment and a plethora of efficient functions that will improve your overall experience when creating 3D imagery.

  • Cinema 4D provides an extensive documentation that will help you get through and understand all the app’s capabilities in the shortest time and as easily as possible.


  • 易用

    • 当你能快速制作出色作品,是每个人初入3D世界时最令人兴奋的事!Cinema 4D直观易懂的操作与逻辑性界面使初学者能很容易找对地方和控制软件。即使是专业用户也对Cinema 4D的易用性赞不绝口。初学者还可通过无数的教程和全球性的专业社区进行学习,提升技能达到高水平。
  • 直观的界面

    • Cinema 4D是我们用户日常工作流程中的中流砥柱。这就是为什么我们从一开始就确定新功能直观地工作,并正是位于用户期望找到它们的地方。Cinema 4D也可以轻易定制布局,适合用户的需求并保存供以后使用。
  • 稳定

    • Cinema 4D以其卓越的稳定性著称。所有的新功能和新特性都会在发布前通过我们质检部门和测试团队的验证。我们也会定期推送服务包以不断完善Cinema 4D,同时快速地响应操作系统与驱动程序的更新!
  • 强大的帮助系统

    • 任何关于特定功能的问题,都可以通过右键点击直接跳转到软件内置的文档中快速得到回答。
  • 程序化工作流程

    • 从头至尾保持灵活性!无论你在哪一个项目工作,直到最后一分钟的变化都能保持灵活性非常重要。Cinema 4D提供了众多非破坏性选择:参数化建模、程序着色、纹理等等。Cinema 4D的场次系统可让你在一个文件中保存、管理同一场景的多个版本!
    • 与现场的深度和屏幕空间思考,你会得到实时渲染质量的效果,而且很容易准确地把灯和反射可视化设置。
  • Voronoi Fracture

    • Voronoi Fracture使得程序化拆分对象变得容易 - 在版本19中,您可以使用连接器控制动态,将各个部件粘合在一起,将细节添加到裂缝等等。
  • 球形摄像机

    • 挖掘当今最热门的趋势 - 为YouTube,Facebook,Oculus或Vive渲染立体声360°VR视频。

    • 根据单个MP3中的多个频率创建音频反应动画
  • Radeon ProRender

    • 无论您是在Windows还是Mac上,您都可以体验Cinema 4D中GPU渲染的未来 - 基于物理,深度集成和极具互动性。
  • 新媒体核心

    • 使用动画GIF和MP4作为纹理,并直接渲染到MP4,DDS和改进的OpenEXR。所有图像,视频和声音格式导入速度更快,并支持更多选项。
  • 新的建模核心

    • 体验改进了对齐和反向正常命令中的N-gon和Edge处理

    • 在绘画时实时显示反射和位移
  • LOD(详细程度)

    • 最大化视口和渲染速度,并为游戏工作流程准备资产
  • POLY减少

    • 新的发生器保留UV贴图纹理
  • 场景重建

    • 根据动态跟踪的素材创建点云或基本网格
  • Four editions designed for users of all levels of 3D design experience

    • Furthermore, the developers provide introduction videos for Cinema 4D basic features HERE. All these resources will prove to be extremely useful if you just started working on 3D projects.

    • It is worth mentioning that Cinema 4D comes in 4 different editions, each focused on different results: Prime, Broadcast, Visualize and Studio. Cinema 4D Prime is designed for users that just starting to discover 3D artwork and oOne of its most interesting capabilities is the possibility to transform 2D projects into 3D elements.

    • Cinema 4D Broadcast includes the Prime features but also provides support for making motion graphics. Cinema 4D Visualize is great if you need to fabricate realistic animations, while the Studio version is intended for professional 3D artists, and comprises all the best features Cinema 4D has to offer.

  • User friendly interface that gives you fast access to all built-in design tools

    • Additionally, Cinema 4D comes with its own installer and the entire process is quite straight forward: when you launch the application you must choose which version you want to test. If you ever change your mind, simply go to the HELP menu and switch to another edition (the change is immediate and rather fast).

    • Cinema 4D offers a clean and organized environment for working on your projects: the main window comes with useful toolbars on the sides, while the objects can be managed via the right side panel. All in all, once you learn where everything is, Cinema 4D is quite easy to use.

  • Powerful and full-featured 3D design, modeling and rendering suite for your Mac

    • In a nutshell, Cinema 4D tries and it succeeds in providing a complete solution for 3D designers, whether you are just now learning how to work in 3D, you are looking to expand you capabilities or you are a professional artist that simply needs efficient tools.

    • Moreover, the Cinema 4D macOS application also comes with a trial period, so that you can take it for a spin to make sure it’s exactly what you need.







  1. 1. 1、软件简介
  2. 2. 2、功能特色
  3. 3. 3、资源列表
  4. 4. 4、软件安装
  5. 5. 5、预览截图