


  • PaintCode 是一款针对平面设计人员打造的一款 MiOS 矢量绘图编程软件,无论是程序员还是设计师,PaintCode 能够让你像在 PS 中画图一样绘制各种UI图形,PaintCode 会自动帮你生成针对 macOS 或 iOS 平台 Objective-C 或 C# 代码,能够节约大量的编程时间,支持将代码直接导入到 Xcode 中或导出为PSD文件,支持最新的 iOS 和 iWatch SDK,非常的实用。

  • PaintCode is a vector drawing app that instantly generates Objective-C or C# drawing code. With PaintCode you can create an app that is truly resolution-independent, using code (instead of large number of image assets) to draw a user interface.


  • Android

    • 使用PaintCode将您的绘图变成易于使用的Android Java代码。非常适合绘制图标和自定义UI元素。甚至可以使您的绘图动画或参数化。
  • Swift 3.0

    • PaintCode 增加了对Swift 3.0和Swift 2.3的支持,与Xcode 8,iOS 10和macOS Sierra完全兼容。通过仔细分析Swift编译器并对其生成的代码进行定制,在许多常见情况下,我们可以将编译速度提高150倍以上。
  • JavaScript

    • 使用PaintCode 3,您现在可以导出可用于绘制
    • 调整绘图方法:所有生成的绘图方法现在都需要2个参数 - 要绘制的目标矩形和调整大小的行为。
    • 您可以选择“方面适合”,“中心”,“方面填充”和“拉伸”大小调整行为。
  • Telekinesis

    • 想象一下,您可以实时重新设计您的应用程序,而应用程序实际上是在真实的设备上运行。
    • 你可以使用PaintCode和Telekinesis,您在PaintCode中对应用程序设计所做的更改会实时传播到正在运行的应用程序中。
  • 更好的预览窗口

    • 按Command + P显示预览窗口。当您在绘图中的一些细节上工作时,您可以设置“预览”窗口以显示大图。
  • 快速查看

    • 使用我们新的QuickLook插件,您可以快速浏览您的PaintCode文档而不启动应用程序。您甚至可以从文档预览多个画布。
    • 所有形状的不透明度和混合模式,使用检查器为每个形状设置不透明度和混合模式。
  • 改进SVG进出口

    • 一些绘图应用程序产生大量使用CSS的SVG文档。导入这些文件现在可以做得更好。我们还改进了混合模式兼容性,包括导入和导出的SVG文档。
  • Stylekit: Change the design of your app in seconds. With StyleKits, integration of the generated code into your app is extremely easy. StyleKit is a special Objective-C or C# class that contains all your drawings, colors, gradients, shadows and other assets. StyleKit can be exported from PaintCode with just a single click, making the design-tweaking process crazy fast.

  • Variables and Expressions: Want to draw a button with multiple states? Circular progress bar? Animated robotic arm? Never-before-seen user interface control? Creating these complex dynamic drawings is usually extremely time-consuming. Not now. PaintCode’s Variables and Expressions let you create dynamic, parametric drawings with immediate visual feedback.

  • Multi-Canvas, Tabbed Workspace (new): Use multiple drawing canvases in multiple tabs. Each canvas turns into a drawing method in the generated StyleKit code.

  • Better Tools (new): Enjoy rotation and scaling with user-defined origin, powerful bezier editing tools, smart and custom guides, precise boolean operations, mass export and import, hierarchical color library, vertical text alignment, better text editing, improved zoom tool, outline mode and many more features.

  • Dynamic Colors: Reuse the same color multiple times across your document. Derive a new color from an existing color, forming a permanent relationship. Changing the base color will also change all the derived colors. This unique feature means you can base the entire color scheme of your app on a single color, which you can easily readjust when you like.

  • Dynamic Shapes: Define how your complex drawings behave when resized. Draw a resizable button and retrieve drawing code to draw the button to any size.

  • PSD and SVG Import: Import SVG documents into PaintCode, transforming them into Objective-C or C# drawing code. Layer graphics, paths, texts and groups from Adobe Photoshop documents can also be imported.









  1. 1. 1、软件简介
  2. 2. 2、功能特色
  3. 3. 3、资源列表
  4. 4. 4、软件安装
  5. 5. 5、预览截图