Flyers Templates(宣传单设计模板套件)



  • DesiGN Flyers Templates 是一款宣传单设计模板套件,提供了200多个原始模板,帮助我们在电脑上非常方便地设计出专业的用于宣传广告的宣传单。

  • DesiGN Flyers Templates 是 235 个原始模板的完美集合,旨在为您的促销材料提供独特的外观。无论您是推广酷炫活动,推出新产品还是宣布销售,这些传单将帮助您以效率和风格做到这一点。

  • DesiGN Flyers Templates is an excellent collection of original templates, designed to give a unique look to your promo material. Whether you’re promoting a cool event, launching a new product, or announcing a mind-blowing sale, these flyers will help you do that with efficiency and style.


  • DesiGN“Flyers Templates” 中的每个对象都可以轻松地重新整理,移动或移除。键入或粘贴您自己的文本,添加或删除文本框,如果您想更改字体。添加您的照片和图片来替换股票图像。每个设计,从简约的黑白布局到充满活力,色彩缤纷的广告,具有很好的创意和可用性。

  • Every object in Flyers Templates for Pages can be easily recolored, reshaped, moved, or removed. Type or paste your own text, add or remove text boxes, and change the font if you want to. Add your photos and pictures to replace the stock images. Every design, from minimalistic black-and-white layouts to vibrant, colorful ads, features great creativity and usability. The templates are available in the US and international page sizes.





  1. 1. 1、软件简介
  2. 2. 2、功能特色
  3. 3. 3、资源列表
  4. 4. 4、软件安装
  5. 5. 5、预览截图